Three Lessons from 2020

“People do not drift toward Holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline ofContinue reading "Three Lessons from 2020"

Be Here Now

"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9 Our adventure in Albuquerque turned out to be shorter than expected. I won't be sharing the details of what went down that caused us to leave, but I do feel compelled to kick off my new decade sharing this: WeContinue reading "Be Here Now"

2019 Posts on Albuquerque Moms Blog

My last few months in Albuquerque, I had the honor of participating as a contributor for Albuquerque Moms Blog. It was a joy to be able to serve on a team filled with women empowering women, and flex my writing skills while at it! Hope you enjoy my contributions, linked below. My Introduction How To:Continue reading "2019 Posts on Albuquerque Moms Blog"

Time with Jesus with #3under3

2018. Post 46/100. I remember life before kids. Vaguely. It's more of a distant, foggy dream, but I do remember it. I also remember having friends with young kids and thinking, "No excuses!" when they would give me reasons for why they're not at church on time, not in the word of God, not inContinue reading "Time with Jesus with #3under3"

Teaching My Toddler About Jesus

2018. Post 45/100. Toddlers are little sponges. Toddlers also don't understand logic or reasoning. So talking to my toddler (M) about Jesus gets interesting. A mom in my virtual mama community (thank you, Facebook) posted about tips/tricks/resources/recommendations for talking to her toddler about all things relating to faith. After typing up a lengthy response, IContinue reading "Teaching My Toddler About Jesus"

Adoption Series: Costs

2018. Post 43/100.   People don't like talking about finances surrounding adoption because it's highly personal and varies pretty significantly from case to case. If you're hoping for a dollar-by-dollar breakdown of how much working capital you'll need to fund your potential adoption, you don't have to read further... because I just don't know. WhatContinue reading "Adoption Series: Costs"