Baby Sleep Series: Is the Paci Worth It?

2018. Post 23/100. I’ve seen lots of posts on my Babywise mommy groups about the pacifier and whether to drop it when the dreaded 4-month sleep regression hits because their baby that used to sleep decently starts waking up every 3-4 hours. Full disclosure: we didn’t/don’t use the pacifier regularly with any of our girls.ContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Is the Paci Worth It?”

Baby Sleep Series: 4-Month Sleep Regression

2018. Post 15/100. There is lots of talk among young moms of the dreaded 4-month “sleep regression.” If you Google it, you can even find horror stories about children not sleeping for weeks and blog posts linking to $1,100 crib gear to help you survive the regression. But fear not, friend. I’m here to tellContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: 4-Month Sleep Regression”