Baby Sleep Series: When to Drop a Nap

2018. Post 34/100. I have a number of friends who have kids between 1-2 naps, 2-3 naps, or 3-4 naps. One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is, “When do I need to change the schedule?” Short answer: Unless nap skipping has happened every day for over a week, don’t change a thing. MyContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: When to Drop a Nap”

Baby Sleep Series: Dream Feed Basics

2018. Post 31/100. A few days ago we had a day filled with crap naps and WAY early bedtime. 3 ended up going down at 5:30 instead of 6:30 and I debated the dream feed. What is a dream feed (DF)? Depending on who you ask, the dream feed is defined two different ways: Babywise:ContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Dream Feed Basics”

Baby Sleep Series: Room Share Early

2018. Post 28/100. Until last week, 3 was in our closet, sleeping in a dark tiny cave by herself. B + 3 are just shy of 4 months apart. We decided last week to have them start sharing a room for a number of reasons (i.e. getting our closet back), but a big one wasContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Room Share Early”

Baby Sleep Series: Is the Paci Worth It?

2018. Post 23/100. I’ve seen lots of posts on my Babywise mommy groups about the pacifier and whether to drop it when the dreaded 4-month sleep regression hits because their baby that used to sleep decently starts waking up every 3-4 hours. Full disclosure: we didn’t/don’t use the pacifier regularly with any of our girls.ContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Is the Paci Worth It?”

Risk Aversion and the Sovereignty of God

2018. Post 21/100. I didn’t learn to ride a bike till I was 10 years old because I was afraid to fall. Staying in the safe zone is my jam. The higher the chance of failure, the more likely I am to run in circles and do nothing. (Exhibit A: the 50+ blog posts inContinueContinue reading “Risk Aversion and the Sovereignty of God”

Idolatry & Sleep Training

2018. Post 18/100. I dug up an old post on idolatry from 2012 because I needed my single, well-rested self to remind me of what to do with the creeping idols that pop up day in and day out. “The human heart is a factory of idols… Every one of us is, from his mother’sContinueContinue reading “Idolatry & Sleep Training”

Baby Sleep Series: Plane Rides & Jet Lag (Part 2)

2018. Post 17/100. So you made it to your destination and now your baby won’t sleep because their internal clock is set to Pacific Standard Time instead of… wherever you are. We’ve traveled across 1 time zone, 3 time zones, and the international date line. Here are a few of my findings: Time Change: <ContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Plane Rides & Jet Lag (Part 2)”

Baby Sleep Series: Plane Rides & Jet Lag (Part 1)

2018. Post 16/100. We flew with M quite a bit. Her first flight was a supposed-to-be-6-hour-but-turned-into-8-hour flight to Maui for her grandpa’s wedding at 6 weeks old. That was pleasant. Then on the redeye back they left the cabin lights on the entire time because there was a centipede on the plane. That was alsoContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: Plane Rides & Jet Lag (Part 1)”

Baby Sleep Series: 3 Tips for Babywise Success

(Reposted from 2016. It’s funny the prophetic word I had in here b/c B + 3 are nothing like M when it came to sleep!) Chad and I both have type-A personalities and thrive on routine, schedules, and to-do lists. It seemed to be a no-brainer that we would, for our own sanity, try toContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: 3 Tips for Babywise Success”

Baby Sleep Series: 4-Month Sleep Regression

2018. Post 15/100. There is lots of talk among young moms of the dreaded 4-month “sleep regression.” If you Google it, you can even find horror stories about children not sleeping for weeks and blog posts linking to $1,100 crib gear to help you survive the regression. But fear not, friend. I’m here to tellContinueContinue reading “Baby Sleep Series: 4-Month Sleep Regression”